Castle Age Basics
Your stat bars are Energy, Health, and Stamina. Energy is used to quest, while Stamina is used to attack in monster battles and to PVP. If your health drops below 10 you cannot attack another player. All three refill slowly over time, and can have their maximum level raised if you assign the points earned in leveling to that purpose (you'll find that under your Keep tab).
Other things you'll find under your Keep tab are your bank, items, units (soldiers), lands under your command, and how much your lands bring in vs. how much your units cost to maintain.
Under the Quests tabs are a series of quests you can do, which will take certain units of soldiers and certain generals to complete. You can acquire units of soldiers under the Town tab, and generals as heroes under the Heroes tab. Heroes become Generals when you assign one to be your primary under the General subtab in the Heroes area. Alternately, you can click the portrait of the required general on the quest to equip them if you have them or be given the chance to hire them if you don't. Each general levels up as you battle with them, becoming stronger and offering increased bonuses.
As you progress through the quest chains you will be given the chance to acquire summoning orbs for boss battles. Once summoned, you can find those bosses under the Monsters tab. Each has a (long) timer to kill it, and you can invite your friends to help by publishing the call to arms on your facebook wall (large buttons for this, can't miss them). Once killed, everyone can collect their rewards. Then, if you like, after the timer runs down you can redo the quest and summon it again. Good for leveling and getting any good loot you may not have had drop the first time through.
Which general is best to equip at any given time is going to vary. Not only do they offer different bonuses that will be more desirable in certain circumstances, like Garlan's decrease to soldier cost, or Zaverok's monster attack bonus, but as you progress you will have access to stronger generals, and as they level these bonuses are increasing. It's ever-changing.
When you complete a quest chain associated with a land, the quests re-open with a subset of quests, and that subset has no required General. You can use these to level your strongest generals. Also, once the influence-earning potential of a quest is finished, other generals can still complete those quests for experience.
Castle Age FAQ
What are favor points? How can I get more?
Favor points are used at the Oracle for her "special services", units, or items. The special services include stat refills and gold (generally not worth it, and not needed if you're a patient gamer).
There are several ways to gain favor points:
* Cash purchase.
* The completion of affiliate offers like you can find all over the internet, including email address collection gimmicks and the occasional scam, so be careful if you choose this route.
* Regular gameplay - Some Achievements and Monster Battles offer favor points as reward. They're also awarded as demi rewards. See this Demi Reward chart to see which powers award them when.
What's the deal with Demi-powers?
The demi-powers assist you by offering such things as permanent bonuses to your stats, bonus quests, and powerful items in return for your gaining levels in their favor. You can see the points you have with each by going to the demi power tab under Oracle. To see the rewards they offer, click "view rewards" under their individual tabs. You can get a free blessing each day from one demi power of your choice, excepting Azerion who has a 48 hour timer. Their blessing includes points in their favor and a stat bonus. The stat bonuses offered by each are:
Ambrosia - +1 Energy
Malekus - +1 Attack
Corvintheus - +1 Defense
Aurora - +1 Health
Azeron - +1 Stamina
What do Energy Potions do?
Energy potions refill 10 points of energy. They do not, unfortunately, boost your permanent max energy.
How do I get someone to stop attacking me?
Bank your gold. If you're not dropping gold, you're less attractive as an opponent. If they're persistent, you could try friending them, logging out of the game (If you close Facebook when your health is below 10, you will fall off the list of potential targets), or try one of the other tactics listed below.
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